Mac bermula dengan adventure yang agak memenatkan and full of surprise..!!
1st advevnture di mulai oleh Mrs.Al Amin..
She went 2 Malacca with her friends..
Bangun awal tu..perghhh..!!
Sampai Melaka dalam pukul 2ptg..lewat dah..cuz hampir2 nak sesat..hahahhaha...
Pergila Zoo...
Tiket Rm7.00 jer..
Zoo Melaka
Pengalaman yang xleh dilupakan is when..Mrs.Al Amin go near the pony cage and suddenly one of the pony stick its head out..! and then she go...AAaaaAAAaaaaa...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahhahha....i cant imagine her face at that time..!
Dari pukul 2..sampaila pukul 5petang merayau kat dalam Zoo...
Lepas tu..she went to Dataran Pahalawan...
Beli baju Body Glove..her favourite...
Jam dah nak dekat pukul 7petang..so quickly she drive to Kota A’Famosa...snap a few pictures...
This is time..for..dinner..!!!
Mrs.Al Amin with Nad
Malam tu pergi Umbai..cuz ikan bakar and seafood di c2 memang besttt..
Ketam?? Kerang??
Mrs.Al Amin makan sorang jer....ish3.
Mengantukkkkk....drive punye drive..akhirnya sampai gak kat umah..pukul 11malam..
Tibe2 jer ade sms masuk lak..
Mr.Al Amin nak datang besok pulak....!!!!!
Stay tuned~
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