Wednesday, June 19, 2013

bEncii cLownS..!!!!

Aq takut dgn badut. Habis tu??? Ada masalah ke dgn tu????
Puas dah nak citer knp aq takut dgn benda alah tu.. tapi ianya memang menakutkan. Percayalah.!

Dier tipu jer..pura2 baik.. tapi sebenarnya dier jahat..!! nantikan dier bunuh kau…bahaya weyy..jgn dekat.!

Aq xboleh dekat or Nampak badut pun. Aq terus berubah muka, nak nangis..lari jauh2 dari badut bangang tu.

Semuanya bermula masa aq kecik lagi.. ayah bawak balik citer seram..pasal badut. Tajuk apa movie pun xingat.
Itulah the first and the last aq tgok badut. Ceritanya mmg sgttt menakutkan pada budak yg sebaya dgn aq masa tu.. pun buat sikit research  pasal takut dgn badut neyh..(sampai hati ade org tu kata aq neyh mentel…) gara2 aq tkut badut.

So kat cni adalah FAKTA yg sebenar..kenapa org yg seusia aq neyh..masih lagi takut dgn benda alah tu.. bace..!!!

WHAT is it with clowns? They are supposed to be amusing characters who bring joy and laughter to people’s lives. But for some they do anything but. In fact there will be some people who will not even want to look at this post – and not just because it’s been compiled by yours truly – but because they are actually terrified by the images.
According to some phobia studies (via, about 20 to 30 percent of the population find clownsscary, or at least a little unsettling. “A certain segment of that group find clowns scary enough to trigger panic attacks, anxiety and other phobic reactions,” the website says.
A fear of clowns is called coulrophobia and there are a number of theories why it exists.
“One involves a connection between the presence of clownsand a personal trauma suffered during early childhood,” wisegeek writes. “For a young child, a circus can create a sensory overload with all of its unusual sights, sounds and smells. When professional clowns begin their routines, a child can easily become overwhelmed by the surreality of it all. Heavy makeup, colorful costumes and over sized prosthetics all help to mask the true emotions and intentions of the performers, which can become very unnerving to a child.”

Faham x ape dier cakap tu?? So secara rasminya aq xsakit mentel ok. Aq just menghidap penyakit yang dinamakan COULROPHOBIA
Iaitu fobia atau ketakutan yg berlebihan terhadap badut.
Penyakit neyh datangnya dari trauma pada waktu kecik lagi..dan dibawa sehingga dewasa.. (bukan mentel ok.!)

Yang pastinya takutnya aq pada benda alah neyh bukanlah sakit mentel ok.. ianya sejenis penyakit yg dinamakan Coulrophobia.

Jadi minta tolongglah faham situasi dan keadaan aq neyh.. kesianla kat aq neyh haa..
ee…bongok wey badut neyh.
Tah pape..buat2 baik la konon. Tapi jahat.!



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